Director General (Rwanda Coordinator)

Jeanine U. Condo, MD, MSc , PhD, joined Rwanda Biomedical Center (RBC) since February 2016 up to date where she serves as the Director General.

RBC is the implementation institution of the Ministry of Health with the mandate of implementing preventive, promotion and curative health interventions covering communicable and non communicable diseases, ensuring distribution of blood and blood products across the country, ensuring quality and quantity of procurement and production of drugs and other health commodities, purchasing and maintaining all medical equipment at all public health facilities. RBC also encompasses Medical Research Center (MRC), the National Reference Laboratory (NRL), a foundation for evidence-based policies development to support health interventions in country. She holds expertise in institution management, nutrition –maternal and child health impact interventions including performance – based financing (PBF) in limited resources countries.

She is also a visiting Professor of Public Health at the University of Rwanda (UR), School of Public Health and currently serves as Adjunct Professor of Public Health at Tulane University, USA. Previously, Professor Condo Jeanine, served as the Deputy Dean of Research, Consultancy and Projects, and managed more than 40 research projects at the School of Public Health since 2010 where she participated in securing grants from Global Fund, Bill and Melinda Gates, CDC, to cite few. She has more than 38 peer reviewed journal publications, mentored national and international MPH and PhD students. She served as a member of Technical Evaluation Review Group (TERG) at the Global Fund from 2015-2018 and a member of the International Advisory Group for Primary Health Care at WHO in 2018. She is now serving as a member of Evaluation Advisory Committee (EAC) at GAVI since 2016 and serves a member of African Academy of Sciences (AAS) and a member of Rwanda Academy of Science (RAS) since 2019. She was recently appointed as board member for Pan African Mosquito Control Association (PAMCA) in Kenya and as a board member of National Council for Science and Technology (NCST) in Rwanda.